We left San Antonio Sunday morning about 11:00am and we are now focused on getting home. The night before we had been struggling with how to do the remaining miles: 1) two long days behind the wheel and be home Monday night or 2) three medium days and get home Tuesday afternoon.
We opted for number two and are currently in Van Horn, Texas. It was a fairly easy 5.5 hour drive from San Antonio to Van Horn and we got into town about 5:30pm. We stopped for about 45 minutes just outside San Antonio to have the Denali washed. The night before when we went to dinner at Pappadeux, we parked under a tree. When the sun went down, the tree became to home to about a hundred black birds who crapped all over my car.
If it wasn't Sunday night, we would have passed on the hotel's recommendation, but it turns out there was nothing else open. We had dinner at Chuy's Mexican Restaurant which turns out to be a shrine to John Madden. Most of you guys know that John travels to football games by private bus because he has a phobia about flying. He first stopped at Chuy's in Van Horn, Texas in 1987 because he wanted to watch a football game on TV and get something to eat. He has mentioned Chuy's on numerous broadcasts since then and stopped here every year. They have pictures on the wall of John with all the staff and John's wife and kids as well.
John's favorite dish is Chicken Picado, so naturally I had to try that. It was very good! If you are ever in Van Horn, please give Chuy's a try.
We hit the road early tomorrow morning for Casa Grande, Arizona. The last stop before home. Man, oh man! We will be home Tuesday afternoon. I am going to sleep for a week and not leave the house at all.
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